PhD (02/03/15 - 19/09/18), School of Psychology, UNSW Australia, Supervised by Professor Colin W.G. Clifford
BA (09/10/10 - 30/06/13), Psychology, Philosophy, and Physiology, Lady Margaret Hall, University of Oxford, UK
Academic Positions
- Current: CNRS Researcher
Laboratory of Perceptual Systems, DEC, ENS, PSL University, Paris, France - Postdoctoral Researcher (23/01/2022 - 20/11/2023)
Centre for cognitive neuroimaging, Institute of neuroscience and psychology, University of Glasgow, Scotland, UK - Postdoctoral Researcher (12/01/2018 - 12/01/2022)
Laboratory of perceptual systems & Laboratory of cognitive and computational neuroscience, École Normale Supérieure, PSL University, Paris, France
Research Assistant (part time; 01/09/17 - 09/01/18) Prof Barbara Gillam, UNSW Australia
Research Assistant (part time; 03/06/17 - 03/12/17) Prof Richard Kemp & Dr David White, UNSW Australia
Research Assistant (part time; 01/07/15 - 30/11/15) Dr Tamara Watson, WSU Australia
Research Assistant (part time; 01/08/14 - 28/02/15) Dr David Alais, University of Sydney
Research/Technical Officer (part time; 01/05/14 - 30/06/15) Foundational processes of behaviour lab, WSU Australia
Grants and Awards
UNSW Postgraduate Research Exchange Scholarship 2017: travel and stipend for international research exchange of 3 - 6 months
Australian Postgraduate Award, 2015-2018: for study towards a PhD in Science
Student co-supervision: Maëva l'Hôtellier (MA 2020), Erva Kandemir (MA 2021)
Student mentoring: Ljubica Jovanovic (PhD 2018), Clémence Copain (MA 2019) and Aurelien Weiss (PhD 2019)
Tutor: Research Methods and Statistics, 2nd year undergraduate Psychology, 2016, 2017
Tutor: Perception and Cognition, 2nd year undergraduate Psychology, 2016
Demonstrator: Python Programming, 3rd year research internship course, 2016, 2017
Introduction to Programming: PsychSoc workshop for undergraduate psychology students, 2016, 2017
Other contributions
eLife Community Ambassador (2022).
Equality and Diversity Committee, Departement d'Études Cognitives, ENS
Organiser: EEG club, LSP
Organiser: New Ideas in confidence and uncertainty workshop (Paris, 2021)
Balsdon, T., Verdonck, S., Loossens, T., & Philiastides, M. G. (2023). Secondary motor integration as a final arbiter in sensorimotor decision-making. PLoS Biology, 21(7), e3002200.
Recht, S., Jovanovic, L., Mamassian, P., & Balsdon, T. (2022). Confidence at the limits of human nested cognition. Neuroscience of Consciousness, 2022(1)
Rahnev, D., Balsdon, T., Charles, L., de Gardelle, V., Denison, R., Desender, K., ... & Zylberberg, A. (2022). Consensus goals for the field of visual metacognition. Perspectives on Psychological Science, in press
Balsdon, T., Mamassian, M., & Wyart, V. (2021). Separable neural signatures of confidence during perceptual decisions. eLife, 10:e68491.
Balsdon, T., Wyart, V.,* & Mamassian, P.* (2020). Confidence controls perceptual evidence accumulation. Nature Communications, 11, 1753.
Balsdon, T., & Clifford, C. W. G. (2018). Task dependent effects of head orientation on perceived gaze direction. Frontiers in Psychology, 9, 2491.
Balsdon, T., & Clifford, C. W. G. (2018). How wide is the cone of direct gaze? R. Soc. open sci. 5: 180249.
Balsdon, T., Schweitzer, R., Watson, T. L., & Rolfs, M. (2018). All is not lost: Post-saccadic contributions to the perceptual omission of intra-saccadic streaks. Consciousness and Cognition, 64, 19-31.
Balsdon, T., Summersby, S., Kemp, R. I., & White, D. (2018). Improving face identification with specialist teams. Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications, 3:25.
Balsdon, T., & Clifford, C. W. G. (2018). Visual processing: Conscious until proven otherwise. Royal Society Open Science, 5(1), 171783.
Balsdon, T., & Clifford, C. W. G. (2017). Detecting and identifying offset gaze. Attention, Perception and Psychophysics, 1-14.
Herzallah, M.M., Khdour, H. Y., Taha, A. B., Mashala, A., Mousa, H. N., Taha, M. B., Sehwail, M. M., Miskm A. J., Balsdon, T., Moustafa, A. A., Myers, C. E., Gluck, M. A. (2017). Major Depressive Disorder Selectively Impairs Learning from Positive Feedback on a Probabilistic Category-Learning Task in Medicated Parkinson's Patients. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 8.
Balsdon, T., & Clifford, C. W. G. (2017). A bias-minimising measure of the influence of head orientation on perceived gaze direction. Scientific Reports, 7.
Myers, C. E., Sheynin, J., Balsdon, T., Luzardo, A., Beck, K. D., Hogarth, L., ... & Moustafa, A. A. (2016). Probabilistic reward-and punishment-based learning in opioid addiction: Experimental and computational data. Behavioural brain research, 296, 240-248.
Balsdon, T., & Azzopardi, P. (2015). Absolute and relative blindsight. Consciousness and cognition, 32, 79-91.
Moustafa, A. A., Kéri, S., Somlai, Z., Balsdon, T., Frydecka, D., Misiak, B., & White, C. (2015). Drift diffusion model of reward and punishment learning in schizophrenia: Modeling and experimental data. Behavioural brain research, 291, 147-154.
(General Public) Balsdon, T., Schweitzer, R., Watson, T. L., & Rolfs, M. (2019) Gaps In Perception: How We See A Stable World Through Moving Eyes. https://sciencetrends.com/gaps-in-perception-how-we-see-a-stable-world-through-moving-eyes/
Pre-registrations (Released from embargo)
Balsdon, T., Mamassian, P., & Wyart, V. Neural correlates of Type-I and Type-II decision-making. https://osf.io/346pe/
Balsdon, T., Wyart, V., Mamassian, P. The accumulation of evidence for decision-making and confidence. https://osf.io/gy2t3/.
Balsdon, T., Schweitzer, R., Watson, T. L., & Rolfs, M. Intrasaccadic Motion streak Perception. https://osf.io/h56uj/
Pupil labs matlab/python experiment code: https://github.com/tbalsdon
Data and code for Balsdon et al., 2020: osf.io/gy2t3/
Data and code for Balsdon et al., 2021: osf.io/346pe/
Reviews (60): Nature Communications (2) Perception (7) Journal of Vision (7) JEP:General (2) NeuroImage (3) Scientific Reports (3) eLife (4) Frontiers in Neuroscience (2) JEP:HPP (4) Mind and Language (2) Neuroscience of consciousness (2) PLOS ONE (2) AP&P (3) Frontiers in Psychology (1) Multisensory Research (1) Neuropsychologia (1) Psychological Science (3) Proc Roy Soc B (1) PLOS comp Bio (1) i-perception (2) Peer Community in Registered Reports (2) Cognition (1)
Conference Presentations
Invited Speaker, Symposium on the Biology of Decision Making, Paris, France, June 2023
Balsdon, T., Pisauro, M.A., Philiastides, M.G. Distinct neural representations of implicit and explicit feedback drive perceptual learning. Society for Neuroscience Meeting, San Diego, USA, November 2022 (Poster)
- Symposium presentation, Evidence accumulation and consciousness at The association for the scientific study of consciousness,
Amsterdam, Netherlands, July, 2022
Balsdon, T., Mamassian, P., Wyart,V. Robust changes in confidence efficiency during post-decision time windows. Vision Science Society, Florida, USA, May 2022 (Oral)
Balsdon, T., Mamassian, P., & Wyart, V. Delineating the relationship between perceptual decisions and confidence. University of Essex, Essex, UK, October 2021 (Invited Speaker)
Balsdon, T., Mamassian, P., & Wyart, V. The relationship between perceptual decisions and confidence. Pisa Vision Lab, Pisa, Italy, September 2021 (Invited Speaker)
Balsdon, T., Mamassian, P., & Wyart, V. Separable neural signatures of confidence during perceptual decision-making. Kelly Lab, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland, May 2021 (Invited Speaker)
Balsdon, T., Wyart, V., & Mamassian, P. The accumulation of evidence for perception and confidence. Vision group, INCC, University of Paris, Paris, France, November 2020 (Invited Speaker)
- Balsdon, T., Wyart, V., & Mamassian, P. Metacognitive control of sensory evidence accumulation. Advanced Telecommunications Research Institute, Nara, Japan, July 2019 (Invited Speaker)
Balsdon, T., Mamassian, P., Wyart,V. Neural signatures of confidence after the completion of a perceptual decision. Vision Sciences Society, online, May 2021 (Oral)
Balsdon, T., Wyart, V., & Mamassian, P. A reverse heirarchy for perceptual confidence? ECVP, Belgium, August 2019 (Poster)
Balsdon, T., Wyart, V., & Mamassian, P. Metacognitive control of sensory evidence accumulation. In: Being Adaptive: The Role of Metacognition in Learning and Guiding Behavior. Japanese Neuroscience society, Niigata, Japan, July 2019 (Symposium Invited Speaker)
Balsdon, T., Mamassian, P., Wyart, V. Dissociable pupillary correlates of decision confidence and decision bound-crossing.SBDM, Oxford, UK, May 2019 (Poster)
Balsdon, T., Wyart, V., & Mamassian, P. Graded, multidimensional representations of sensory evidence allow for dissociable performance in second-choice and confidence judgments. Vision Sciences Society, Florida, USA, May 2019 (Oral)
Balsdon, T., Mamassian, P., Wyart,V. The accumulation of sensory evidence for decisions and confidence. CoSyNe, Lisbon, Portugal, February 2019 (Poster)
Balsdon, T., Wyart, V., & Mamassian, P. The relationship between metacognition and second choice judgments. GDR vision, Paris, France, October 2018 (Oral)
Balsdon, T., Wyart, V., & Mamassian, P. Metacognitive control of sensory evidence accumulation. European Conference of Visual Perception, Trieste, Italy, August 2018 (Oral)
Balsdon, T. & Clifford, C.W.G. Task dependent effects of head orientation on perceived gaze direction. European Conference of Visual Perception, Berlin, Germany, August 2017 (Poster)
Balsdon, T. & Clifford, C.W.G. A strict criterion for consciousness: conscious until proven otherwise. Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness, 21st meeting, Beijing, China, June 2017 (Oral)
Balsdon, T. & Clifford, C.W.G. Task dependent effects of head orientation on perceived gaze direction. Australasian Experimental Psychology Conference, NSW, Australia, April 2017 (Oral)
Balsdon, T. & Clifford, C.W.G. Visual processing: conscious until proven otherwise. Australasian Cognitive Neuroscience Society Conference, NSW, Australia, November 2016 (Oral)
Balsdon, T. & Clifford, C.W.G. Visual processing: conscious until proven otherwise. Sydney Postgraduate Psychology Conference, Sydney, Australia, December 2016 (Oral)
Balsdon, T. & Clifford, C.W.G. A Bias-free measure of the influence of head orientation on perceived gaze direction. Australasian Society for Social and Affective Neuroscience, Sydney, Australia, June 2016 (Poster)
Balsdon, T. & Clifford, C.W.G. Detecting and identifying offset gaze. Sensory Neuroscience Symposium, Sydney, Australia, May 2015 (Oral)
Balsdon, T. & Clifford, C.W.G. Differences in detection and identification of gaze direction Australasian Experimental Psychology Conference, Melbourne, Australia, April 2016 (Oral)
Recht, S., Jovanovic, L., Balsdon, T., Mamassian, P. Meta-meta-meta perception. ECVP, Belgium, August 2019 (Contributer, poster)
Schweitzer, R., Watson, T., Balsdon, T., Rolfs, M. Formation of world-centered perception of intra-saccadic motion streaks. European Conference on Eye Movements, Alicante, Spain, August 2019 (Contributer, poster)
Schweitzer, R., Watson, T., Balsdon, T., Rolfs, M. From retinal to world-centred perception of intra-saccadic motion streaks: Evidence for high fidelity eye position information during saccades. Vision Science Society, Florida, USA, May 2018 (Contributer, poster)
Watson, T., Balsdon, T., Carlson, T, & Williams, M. Transfer of object information between the periphery and fovea; an MEG study. European Conference of Visual Perception, Berlin, Germany, August 2017 (Contributer, oral)
Cass, J. & Balsdon, T. Effect of audio-visual source misalignment on auditory timing performance. Australasian Experimental Psychology Conference, Melbourne, Australia, April 2016 (Contributer, oral)
Cass, J., van der Burg, E., & Balsdon, T. Effect of audio-visual source misalignment on timing performance. European Conference on Visual Perception, Barcelona, Spain, August 2016 (Contributer, poster)